Thursday, December 31, 2015

The 1st Annual Blogbuster Award

Since, we had the annual review this year already, I’ve decided to end the blog year with an award ceremony post. You will find out the post I liked most, which picture you shouldn’t miss, and which makeup artist did the best job - just kidding, no makeup artist. Blogbuster was the original name of my blog and hence the name Blogbuster award.
If you don’t want to read all my posts, if you are not interested in how my wisdom teeth were removed or how I cast my vote, you will find out in a moment which post are worth to read. Those of you who read all posts and enjoyed them, will probably enjoy this review, and maybe read again the winning posts... and the nominees... before reading the teeth removing post again. 

Best Title
A good title represent the content without revealing to much and catches the interest of the reader. Blogbuster titles of written posts are based on movie titles.
Nominated for best title are:

And the winner is:

Interactive Award
This year, the post What does it say in English? - German Train Station Edition is awarded with the Blogbuster Interactive Award.

Best Original Picture
Nominated are:
Acropolis Selfie from Big Athens


Sunset 2


It happened again!
And the winner is:
The award ceremony will continue after a short break

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Best Retouched Picture
Nominated are:
"Selfie stick" from the post "The Job Interview" 

"Master of No Idiom" from the post "Interrelated

"Mixed Generations" from "20 again"

"Globetrotter" from the post "The Fleeting Frontier"
And the winner is 
"Mixed Generations" from "20 again"

Video Award
This year's Video Award goes to the video "London Tower Bridge" from the post "The Londonian" which has everything a great video needs: A bridge, boats, a prince, commentaries in a genuine British English, and a refreshing feet shot angle.

Best Post
Nominated are:

"... I fool. In a few years these robot arms will learn to assemble legs for themselves and then they will rise against us..."

"... Difficult times will not last. 'Not last' is my standing in my last race..."

"... The new office is awesome and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. See for yourself- visit my office next to Reeperbahn..."

"... For the Millennial Generation: radio is a audio broadcast method that distributes live podcasts without the possibility to rewind or pause. It's like internet radio but without internet..."

"... The weather in Athens was just few degrees below room temperature, that's winter weather in Greece. All the natives were in the winter jackets, buttoned all the way up..."

"... What are your hobbies?:
I take nude selfies. I love my new selfie stick. It made so many exciting shoots possible..."

And the winner is ...

This is the first award for "Interrelated". The clear front runner has shown an outstanding mix of humor and emotions. Surprisingly, "Big Athens" didn't win any awards.

This concludes this years award ceremony. Happy new year.

PS: Join us in the next award ceremony where we are going to honor posts that didn't make it to publication.